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Characteristics Of Your Moon Child

Characteristics Of Your Moon Child

Did you see we just launched our gorgeous Moon Child birth prints

Featuring your little one’s all-important birth details as well a beautiful moon illustration. And it’s not just any moon. It’s pretty cool because it actually depicts the moon phase the day your baby was born. 

Moon Child Birth Print


So, most of us know our Sun Sign. I’m a Leo. Warm, action-orientated and driven by the desire to be loved and admired. Or something like that anyway. 

 But did you know you also have a Moon Sign and the phase of the moon the day your baby was born can give you some insight into your child’s character, just like Sun Signs.

You can find your child's moon phase here.

Moon Phases For Your Birth Print


If your child was born on a New Moon they are likely to leave their mark on the world and feel driven to follow their dreams. Because their moon is in darkness they will have an urge to project their light on the world. New Moon children are forward thinkers and have outgoing personalities. They are ready to ‘seize the day’ and will be full of new energy.



If your baby was born during the phase when the moon is growing to it’s fullest, then they’re a Waxing MoonChild. Waxing Moon Children are usually very constructive and productive. They are positive and are likely to have a very optimistic outlook on life. They will be goal-orientated but may need someone to help motivate them.  Waxing Moon Children are usually very considerate of other people’s feelings and needs, sometimes at their own expense.



Full Moon babies are such unique individuals. Their emotions will be larger than life. Full Moon Children will generally be extroverted and super friendly. They tend to change their minds quickly and like to see their efforts come to fruition quickly. They will have a keen entrepreneurial spirit and will likely be good with money. A Full Moon Child will ‘tell it how it is’ and are very truthful individuals. Full Moon Children have a lot of love to share.



If your baby was born during the phase when the moon is heading back to total darkness, then they’re a Waning MoonChild. Waning Moon Children will want to share their wisdom with others. They will be natural communicators and when they are older they will be good at reflecting upon themselves to make necessary changes. They will appreciate the beauty around them. Waning Moon Children love things clean and pure. They are motivated by the actions of others and learn from other people’s mistakes. A Waning Moon Child’s calming character easily helps them and others around them to relax and relieve stress. 

My Miss M is a Waning Moon child and if the fact that she is forever talking means she's a natural communicator.  Then, I have the moon to blame.

Which Moon Child is your little one and can you see some of the characteristics mentioned above in them?

Moon Phase Birth Print For Girl Moon Phase Birth Print For Nursery


Our Moon Child Prints are a beautiful feature print for nurseries and make a wonderful and unique gift idea.




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